Airsoft Bruises and Welts Details Every Player Should Be Aware Of

Airsoft Bruises

The most intriguing topic of all airsoft newcomers is how much it will hurt when an airsoft pellet hits you.

After the third or fourth game, this question, as a rule, is automatically removed due to the fact that you will understand that there is nothing terrible and painful in hitting the pellet. It is important to observe the most important rule when playing airsoft – in no case should you take off your protective glasses, even if they are foggy or your eyes are suddenly combed. Eye contact is always fraught with injuries; at best, this can result in a trip to a local emergency room.

Now let’s speak about the pain if the pellet is getting into different parts of the body. Sensations depend on the distance with which you are shot and the pellet speed. The pellet flies at high speed, crashing into the skin, it just peels it off. It is unpleasant. Moreover, healing will take more time. Such kind of injuries happens when you are playing at short distances.

How to Prevent Injuries

Skin. Sometimes it happens that the airsoft pellet gets stuck under the skin. This usually occurs when an opposing side shoots powerful weapons at close range – a trivial ignorance of the game rules and safety precautions.

The head can be as well, so it is better to wear a helmet. Remember that even a simple cap protects well.

There are injuries in the mouth area. As a result, knocking out teeth – this is for those who do not wear a protective mask or balaclava.

Airsoft mask and balaclava

A lot of airsoft players are interested in the protection of the inguinal region. Generally, if it’s terrifying, you can use the shell, which is used in various martial arts.

Groin protective cup

The most effective methods of avoiding injuries are proper preparation for the game and strict adherence to established rules. Most airsoft games have serious control – a person without good protection is simply not allowed to participate.

The most important part of all the protective elements in airsoft is protective glasses. They should never ever be removed, and their choice should be treated with special responsibility.

Protective glasses

Another common security feature is a protective helmet. It protects not only from shots but also protects the head from falls and collisions with various objects. During the game, you should not only pay attention to the opposing side, but also to the objects surrounding you. Hard collisions and falls can do more harm than hitting a pellet.

Protective helmet

As for the rest of the clothes, requirements are not so strict imposed on them. But, despite this, it should be made of dense material – this will save from wounds and penetration of the pellet, which flies into the soft parts of the body at high speed.

How to Treat Basic Injuries

It is best to assemble a first-aid kit, which will always be at hand. It should include:

  • iodine or another external disinfection drug;

  • cotton wool and bandage;

  • painkiller and antipyretic drugs;

  • hydrogen peroxide to be able to treat wounds.

Airsoft is far from a dangerous form of entertainment and sports. If you follow the rules and the right approach to personal safety, you will remain safe and sound. According to statistics, 90% of injuries occur because of non-compliance with safety precautions and the human factor.

If you are a real fighter and despite all the injuries you decide to give the game a second chance then it is time you choose a suitable airsoft gun. Check out our Best Airsoft Sniper Rifle review and maybe you will find one there!

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